If you have painful bunions that make walking or wearing shoes unbearable, you may be a candidate for Lapiplasty® 3D Bunion Correction™, a revolutionary new procedure. The board-certified podiatrists at City Podiatry in New York City perform Lapiplasty to correct the root cause of your bunions, so you’ll be permanently freed from the pain they cause. To learn more about how Lapiplasty can provide total pain relief with an easier recovery than a traditional bunionectomy, call the Midtown Manhattan office or schedule a consultation online today.
What are bunions?
A bunion, or hallux valgus, is a bony bump that protrudes out from the base of your big toe. Bunions form over time because the bones of your foot have gradually shifted out of alignment. Bunions often run in families, and wearing tight shoes or high heels can contribute to their formation.
Bunions may appear at the bottom of your big toe, but it’s really problems with the joint in the middle of your foot that creates the bunion. When the long bone between the joint in the center of your foot and the toe joint, called the metatarsal, shifts in three dimensions — leaning sideways, elevating off the ground, and rotating away from the midline of your foot — it causes your big toe to angle in and the bone at the base of your toe to protrude.
What are the symptoms of bunions?
The most obvious signs that you have a bunion are a bony lump at the base of your big toe, and a big toe that’s angled inward. Wearing shoes irritates the bump and can make it worse.
If you have a bunion, you may also have these common symptoms:
- Swelling
- Redness
- Tenderness
- Pain when wearing tight shoes
If you have pain that interferes with daily activities, the team at City Podiatry can evaluate your bunions to determine if you’re a candidate for Lapiplasty.
What is Lapiplasty for bunions?
A Lapiplasty uses advanced instruments to address the three-dimensional joint deformity that causes a bunion. During Lapiplasty, your doctor rotates, shifts over, and repositions the metatarsal bone, then fuses it in place with titanium hardware.
Why should I choose Lapiplasty over traditional bunion surgery?
Lapiplasty offers better outcomes than traditional bunion surgery, which only addresses two dimensions of the problem — the bony protrusion and the side shift of the metatarsal. Most 2D surgeries come with a significant risk of bunion recurrence because the joint at the center of your foot remains unstable even after your surgery.
By taking a 3D approach, Lapiplasty permanently corrects the root cause of your bunion. The procedure is fast, with less pain and a shorter recovery period than a traditional bunionectomy. In fact, you can expect to walk in a surgical boot within a few days of your Lapiplasty.
To find out if you’re a candidate for Lapiplasty, call City Podiatry or schedule a consultation online today.